Destructive Effects

In situations where the patient’s life is in danger or the patient’s behavior is having a devastating effect on the family, there is no choice but to resort to “crisis intervention”. In Crisis Intervention, the “counter-narcotics specialist” with his team reaches out to the patient as per a set plan and takes him under his protection.

Behind the Crisis Intervention is the idea that when a house catches fire, the policy of “watching and waiting” would be cruel. Especially in Pakistan where drug addiction is a crime and the punishment for this crime is severe. It would not be appropriate to wait for the patient’s consent for treatment. In case of intoxication, the patient suffers from intoxication and the rest of the family is punished without any reason. If Rome is burning, will Nero sit and play the flute?

In our religion, society, family system and government, no one is allowed to take any amount of drugs under any circumstances. Also causing physical, psychological, financial and spiritual harm. In such a case, no sensible person can allow the patient to watch the spectacle at home. Crisis intervention as its name implies is done in the form of crises. Families report the patient’s deteriorating condition to a drug specialist and allow him or her to have regular interventions with their team.

The drug expert confirms the situation and makes sure that the stimulus for crisis intervention is merely for the patient to get rid of the drug and there are no other illegitimate motives. Crisis interventions are especially appropriate for patients who are physically debilitated, involved in dangerous and illegal activities, demonstrate violence, sell assets and refuse treatment.

Under the detailed plan, the drug expert evaluates his stature, strength, and arrogance, gathers information about waking up, finds out about his habits and characteristics, the amount of drugs and detects the type, analyzes its violent attitudes, anticipates other risks from the patient, and arranges the information about the patient accordingly.

Keeping all these aspects in mind, the anti-drug expert forms a team of five people consisting of trained and experienced people who have long experience in this field. Two of them are rehabilitated patients, two are drug addicts. The team is headed by a doctor who is well acquainted with the nature of the disease and the nature of the disease. The team, with the help of the family, arrives at the patient’s home while he is asleep and has been intoxicated for several hours. The family guides the team to the patient and then leaves. The team members take a closer look at the room, quietly removing things from the scene that might cause trouble. The team members then sit in order around the patient.

Families are not disturbed as directed. They know it takes time. They are patiently awaiting the outcome of the Crisis Intervention. They believe that the patient is in safe hands and if the patient is to be protected from the toxic effects of drugs then the heart must be kept strong. Crisis interventions take about an hour and a half. Emotional people are sent home on this occasion. It is better if the children are sleeping then. If there is another drug addict in the house then he is not allowed to hear about this project otherwise he can sabotage this project.

The First Reaction

The team leader gently wakes the patient, introduces himself with respect, and explains the purpose of the visit. For a moment the patient looks startled but soon he is lost in deep thought. After a short silence, he gives his first reaction which is one of the following.

  • Seeing that he does not have the power of decision, he is ready to go along immediately.
  • The patient wants to be persuaded. The team members, especially the restored ones, persuade him with their example. The patient argues a little. Denies the need for treatment. Then suddenly he becomes convinced.
  • The patient revolts and claims that I see who can take me, curses his family and insists on not calling. In such cases, the team members give injections with such skill that they do not even know it and the injection has already been given. After the injection, the patient gives up resistance. The effect of the injection is that his rebellion and anger become cold. Gradually he becomes willing to discuss. If you keep persuading him consistently, then the same patient who was putting fire out of his mouth a while ago starts talking softly and becomes satisfied.

Catastrophic Events

Crisis interventions, like ordinary interventions, repeat the devastating effects of drug addiction. These catastrophic events are known to the family during the planning process and are presented to the patient in sequence with irrefutable evidence during the crisis intervention. The success rate in Crisis Intervention is 100% provided all precautions are taken.

Most people are worried about how the treatment will be successful if the patient is not satisfied. Patient consent is not required in the early stages of treatment. In treating the patient’s ailments in the first few days, the physician has ample opportunity to win the patient’s heart through service and expertise. An addict is an intelligent person. He recognizes and values empathetic attitudes.

As the side effects of the drug subside, the patient’s thinking changes. The patient is inclined long before the stage at which the patient’s consent is required. All mental movement is an external process. Experts know how to transform a patient. The team’s behavior during crisis interventions also determines whether the patient will cooperate later. If the patient is not given the impression that he is being conquered, the patient not only cooperates later but is grateful that those who could not make a decision for themselves did something for me.

It has often been observed that the patient who was brought from home against his will, in a few days, enthusiastically sets the stage for recovery, and the patient who voluntarily “repented” repented. He wants to leave 24 hours after receiving treatment. It has become common knowledge that the patient does not want to complete the period for which he comes to the clinic voluntarily. It simply means that the will of the patient is different when he is intoxicated and different when he is intoxicated. The decision of one “condition” does not apply to another “condition”. That is why many of the patients who have lit candles for rehabilitation today are patients who were initially brought home against their will.