Family Intervention

The steps taken by the family and the experts for the welfare of the patient are called interventions. Interventions pave the way for patient treatment. The patient does not cry out loud for help but his bitterness is actually a cry for help. You can’t hear the silent screams hidden in this call.

If the family presents the results and conditions of the illness to the patient in an acceptable manner then the consent can be obtained. In cases where the patient cannot make a good decision for himself due to intoxication, the family can collectively persuade him to seek treatment. Intervention is a work in the life of a drug addict in which there is no place for fighting. This is a meaningful project that requires regular training.

When He Does Not Believe!

Intervention is a procedure in which family and friends meet with a patient under the guidance of a specialist. In this meeting, he beautifully and flexibly depicts the problems caused by drugs in front of the patient. Even the patient emerges from the delusion and sees the real picture of the situation. No patient can refuse treatment for long after seeing the real picture of the situation. The patient does not have to be ready before treatment. Yes! It is important that one of the family members decides for the patient what the patient cannot do. No need to wait. The intervention is usually carried out by someone in the household who does not care about personal gain or loss in order to save the life of the patient as that person recognizes the real dangers of drug addiction.

If the family speaks to the patient alone, then the patient denies the facts stated about him. Thanks to research, it is now possible to present the facts together in such a way that the patient cannot deny them. During the interrogation, when the patient realizes that the family does not want to hurt me but wants to take away my pain, he is willing to cooperate. Families are reluctant to “intervene”. They worry that the relationship with the patient will not deteriorate even though the relationship has already deteriorated. They also have the risk of being attacked or harmed by the patient. After understanding the disease, these thoughts change. Prior to the intervention, the family sits together and looks for events in the patient’s day and night that are related to drug use and where the patient or family may be embarrassed, harmed, threatened, or destroyed as a result of the drug.

Intervention Data

These events are called “intervention data”. All participants in the interview make their own list based on these points. In these points he informs the patient that if he does not accept the treatment then in future he will have to suffer the consequences of the drug alone. Adversity can lead to recovery. A minimum of three and a maximum of eight people attend the interview. In addition to family members, close relatives and other people who influence the patient may also be involved.

If someone has recovered from drug addiction, his involvement will be very beneficial. Trusting young people can be very effective. If someone is provoking the patient, he should not be involved. It is important for everyone to understand the disease of intoxication but the knowledge of the chief should be more than others. Rehearsals under the supervision of a specialist are also necessary before the interrogation in which one person plays the “role” of the patient and the rest of the people take turns to present their “points”.

Default Program

Discussion With the Patient During Interrogation

Everyone is scheduled to see the patient in the morning when he is heavily intoxicated and not in a coma. The head explains to the patient the purpose of everyone’s visit and promises to listen quietly to all the points. The patient’s role as a listener is defined as the interviewer does not have the opportunity to interact with the patient.

Below are some sample points of the interrogation.

  • Two weeks ago your consent was on fire and if I had not come you would have been burnt. I used to watch over you till you went to bed. I can’t take this responsibility in future (wife).
  • Twice the local police officer has called me to the police station about your drug dealing. If there is a legal arrest I will not be able to help you (Father)
  • Last week you withdrew five thousand by forging my check book. If you take the law into your own hands for the sake of intoxication, you will have to bear the consequences (brother).
  • You don’t share the joys and sorrows of family because of drugs. You haven’t been to work for eleven days in the last month. I can’t make any more excuses for you (wife)
  • A month ago you fell into the bathroom in a drunken stupor and you were knocked out by the staff (mother).
  • Recently some people had come to see my relationship. My mother was trying to hide you from them, you were coming back again and again and I was very sorry (sister).

How Do We Do That?

Avoid Provocation

If the patient comes up with a recurrence, do not respond to it, but re-read the same point. Present the points as presented in the rehearsal. Avoid provocations and maintain a loving and caring attitude. Each person concludes by saying to the patient, “we know you don’t always want to live such a life!” that’s why the focus is on listening instead of “answering”. Similarly, repeatedly and effectively.

The Purpose of the Intervention

Keep up the good content. At first, the patient gets angry. Then he sits quietly for an unpleasant impression on his face. Don’t be alarmed by her silence. Silence works positively and effectively on his mind. He turns away anxiously, then starts crying, and then says yes. Sometimes silence and tears give the impression of “yes”. The goals of the internship are fulfilled in about two hours. Arrangements for patient admission must be made prior to this stage. Being late can lead to self-deception again. Properly covered, it will withstand plenty of adverse conditions.

Who Puts a Bell Around a Cat’s Neck?

Remember! No one gets addicted because of problems. Yes, problems can lead to drug abuse. Addiction begins with a systemic disorder. Increasing amounts of drugs together increase the severity of the disease. Addiction is on the rise. If you are dealing with a drug addict, you will spend a lot of time thinking about how to persuade him or her to seek treatment. If you have not yet succeeded in this endeavor, think for a moment! Is there something wrong with your method?