Self-esteem depends on a person’s own thinking. If you have a negative thought about yourself, you can make it positive and build self-confidence. Lack of self-esteem affects human life badly. In the language of psychology, cognitive behavior therapy (Behavior Therapy) is used to treat psychological disorders. According to this therapy, when a person suffers from low self-esteem or lack of self-esteem, four basic steps are needed. Recognizing
Problematic Situations
Some of the reasons we feel inferior to ourselves may be:
- Working with someone we trust better than ourselves
- Managing relationships Home, office and being difficult to be around.
- Inferior because of your increasing and decreasing weight.
- Panicking when moving forward with a major loss in life etc.
- Introspection, reading your thoughts through someone else’s eyes.
Viewing this method of treatment from the Balcony View in psychology. It is said that once you have identified the reasons, places, people and situations that cause your confidence to decrease, then take a look at your thoughts with full consciousness so that you know the thesis from yourself. It is positive or negative. There are basically three types of endings which are the basis on which you talk to yourself.
- Beliefs/Beliefs
- Stories
- Rational arguments
Your self-talk can be either positive or negative or neutral. It can be factual or irrational.
Take the Situation (Take the Bull by the Horns)
When you have evaluated which situations negatively affect your self-talk, self-talk. So then you have to deal with negative conversations. It consists of your time-honored beliefs that, despite being false, become reality in your heart and mind because of their oldness. Negative thinking patterns that automatically come from within the human mind from disempowerment, if examined, there are generally four thinking patterns that are indicative of mental disorders, which are all or nothing
Thinking Style
In this thinking style you give black or white color to every event i.e. positive or negative to extremes of perception. This thinking is one of the main causes of frustration because it involves extreme thinking. Example: If I can’t do a task at the right time, I won’t be able to do another task at the right time.
Negative Mental Filter
Under the influence of this thinking, you draw the wrong meaning from every event. Example: If I stammer, then everyone will know that I am feeling less confident. Getting to the bottom of things with a negative tone. Arrive before happening and that too in a negative way Example: My sister did not answer my call it means she is ignoring me.
Negative Self-Talk
You think less of yourself because of a mistake you made in the past or because of some reason or event that caused your self-confidence to drop. Be shaken. Example: I am in treatment because I am mentally ill. Replace negative low-confidence with confidence. Following are nine points that were published in Huffington Post, an international magazine, by which self-esteem can be improved, which are:
Lock the Negative in a Box
Minimize the location of that box, make it small enough that it doesn’t seem like a big problem. It is a visualization technique that helps solve problems because it signals to the human mind that the problem is not too big.
The Art of Making Possible Thinking
Sometimes when a person is suffering from problems, then positive thinking seems foolish. At times, a good thought that can be a possible solution to a problem is better than a positive thought that the mind is not ready to accept.
A Sense of Guilt
Stop beating yourself up for every little mistake you make. If you’ve spilled coffee on your jacket, most people will be on their cell phones instead of paying attention to how you spilled it on yourself. A very positive result of these words on human thinking has been found through the manipulation of al-Fat. It is the words that separate the servant and the thought. Like this mistake was made by me or I am wrong. It is called self-confidence to always separate the fault from oneself.
What Do You Think of Your Best Friend?
Always see yourself as your best friend sees you. This will make you look at yourself less critically and more characteristically.
Name the Inner Critic
Give your inner critic a funny name so you don’t give too much importance to his negative opinion. Give a name to the inner book jhuk jhuk. Pick up the phone, if something goes wrong, establish contact immediately and make a joke of yourself, so that even if something goes wrong with you, its effect is lost.
Accept Yourself With Mistakes
Don’t hold yourself to too high a standard. Be sure to remember to be human and to make mistakes so that you accept being left behind as part of the race of life as you accept moving forward.